A QGIS 2.2 preview

With the major release of version 2.0, QGIS is once more returning to a fast release cycle. You can find the project road map on qgis.org. The QGIS 2.2 release is scheduled for Feb, 21st and we are already in feature freeze. This means that now is the time to get the nightly version, do some testing and report possible bugs before the new version is being shipped.

Like for version 2.0, the QGIS team has prepared a great visual change log listing many new features. For me, one of the feature highlights is the possibility to export maps with world files from Print Composer because it means that we can finally create high-resolution, georeferenced images comfortably from within the application.

Another feature which will help save a lot of time is the ability to invert color ramps. So far, we had to recreate the color ramp or use work-arounds involving expression-based color settings to achieve the same effect.


These are just my personal favorites. If you haven’t checked out the change log yet, I certainly encourage you to have a look and decide for yourself. Also, if you find the time, please help by testing and reporting any issues you encounter. This way, we can all help to make 2.2 another successful release.

  1. BARRET said:

    Where can i find Qgis 2.2 for downling and test ?
    Thanks for the reply …

  2. rudiga said:

    When is there likely to be a repository based installation proceedure for RHEL/SL/CentOS above version 1.8? Is Ubuntu/Debian based Linux all that is going to be supported?

    • I don’t have any more information about repositories. The honest answer is: There will be repository packages when somebody creates them. All packaging is done by volunteers.