Material design map tutorial for QGIS Composer

This is a guest post by Mickael HOARAU @Oneil974

For those wishing to get a stylized map on QGIS composer, I’ve been working on a tutorial to share with you a project I’m working on. Fan of web design and GIS user since few years, I wanted to merge Material Design Style with Map composer. Here is a tutorial to show you how to make simply a Material Design Map style on QGIS.

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You can download tutorial here:

Tutorial Material Design Map

And sources here:

Sources Material Design Map

An Atlas Powered version is coming soon!

  1. Hi, nice idea to use Googles Material Design guidelines in a QGIS layout! For those who do not know much about Googles design strategy can have a look at for general information and rules.

  2. Great tutorial, Anita. Although it is not strictly related to the procedures you describe, I tried to use Font Awesome as icons and, whereas I succeeded in displaying the icons on the screen, I can’t print them or export into PDF or SVG as such files seem to be generated before the icons are rendered. Provided your QGIS knowledge and involvement, I thought you may have a clue on that.

    I opened the following question in GIS Exchange with more details: (sorry for spamming, that was not my intention)