Dashboards in QGIS

If you are following QGIS topics on social media, you may have already seen this but if you don’t, I recommend having a look at Tim Sutton’s most recent adventures in building dashboards with QGIS:


The dashboard is built using labeling and geometry generator functionality. This means that they work in the QGIS application map window as well as in layouts. As hinted at in the screenshot above, the dashboard can show information about whole layers as well as interactive selections.

Here’s a full walk-through Tim published yesterday:

You can follow the further development via Tim’s tweets or the dedicated Github issue (where you can even find an example QGIS dashboard project in a GeoPacakge for download).

1 comment
  1. Hello Anita Graser, nice to greet you.

    In the telegram group of QGIS in Spanish (Spanish speaking) a couple of weeks ago we did a workshop to show what Tim Sutton explained in addition to incorporating plotly.js graphics from the web with codes developed according to the portal both in the QGIS view as in the map composer.

    We would like you to give us your impression if possible.

    Link => https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/taller-de-dashboard-con-qgis-desktop-mauricio-marquez/

    PS: You can activate the YouTube subtitles and translate into the language of your choice.