Open source IDF parser for QGIS

IDF is the data format used by Austrian authorities to publish the official open government street graph. It’s basically a text file describing network nodes, links, and permissions for different modes of transport.

Since, to my knowledge, there hasn’t been any open source IDF parser available so far, I’ve started to write my own using PyQGIS. You can find the script which is meant to be run in the QGIS Python console in my Github QGIS-resources repo.

I haven’t implemented all details yet but it successfully parses nodes and links from the two example IDF files that have been published so far as can be seen in the following screenshot which shows the Klagenfurt example data:

Screenshot 2015-07-23 16.23.25

If you are interested in advancing this project, just get in touch here or on Github.

  1. I don’t deal with any Austrian GIS data, but this is awesome. Are there any examples of GDAL Vector drivers being written in Python? Do you think this would eventually get IDF generation support and become a GDAL driver?

    • As far as I know, there are no GDAL drivers in Python but I could be wrong. IDF support in GDAL would certainly be a nice addition and it would be great if the local open source community could get that going.

  2. Even Rouault said:

    Not yet having Austrian nationality ;-), but IDF is now available as a OGR driver :

    Regarding the question of GDAL drivers in Python, it is possible for GDAL raster drivers, through the GDAL API_PROXY mechanism (, although admitedly completely undocumented and rather experimental. could be the base for such a driver. Doing the same for vector drivers is conceptually possible, but would require extra coding in GDAL core to serialize vector layers and features.

    • That’s so great, thanks a lot!