
Tag Archives: Trajectools

The Trajectools toolbox has continued growing:

I’m continuously testing the algorithms integrated so far to see if they work as GIS users would expect and can to ensure that they can be integrated in Processing model seamlessly.

Because naming things is tricky, I’m currently struggling with how to best group the toolbox algorithms into meaningful categories. I looked into the categories mentioned in OGC Moving Features Access but honestly found them kind of lacking:

Andrienko et al.’s book “Visual Analytics of Movement” comes closer to what I’m looking for:

… but I’m not convinced yet. So take the above listed three categories with a grain of salt. Those may change before the release. (Any inputs / feedback / recommendation welcome!)

Let me close this quick status update with a screencast showcasing stop detection in AIS data, featuring the recently added trajectory styling using interpolated lines:

While Trajectools is getting ready for its 2.0 release, you can get the current development version directly from