
spatio-temporal data

The Trajectools toolbox has continued growing:

I’m continuously testing the algorithms integrated so far to see if they work as GIS users would expect and can to ensure that they can be integrated in Processing model seamlessly.

Because naming things is tricky, I’m currently struggling with how to best group the toolbox algorithms into meaningful categories. I looked into the categories mentioned in OGC Moving Features Access but honestly found them kind of lacking:

Andrienko et al.’s book “Visual Analytics of Movement” comes closer to what I’m looking for:

… but I’m not convinced yet. So take the above listed three categories with a grain of salt. Those may change before the release. (Any inputs / feedback / recommendation welcome!)

Let me close this quick status update with a screencast showcasing stop detection in AIS data, featuring the recently added trajectory styling using interpolated lines:

While Trajectools is getting ready for its 2.0 release, you can get the current development version directly from

Today, I want to point out a blog post over at

written together with my fellow co-authors and EMERALDS project team members Argyrios Kyrgiazos and Helen McKenzie.

In this blog post, we walk you through a trajectory hotspot analysis using open taxi trajectory data from Kaggle, combining data preparation with MovingPandas (including the new OutlierCleaner illustrated above) and spatiotemporal hotspot analysis from Carto.

In a recent post, we looked into a graph-based model for maritime mobility data and how it may be represented in Neo4J. Today, I want to look into another type of mobility data: public transport schedules in GTFS format.

In this post, I’ll be using the public GTFS data for Riga since Riga is one of the demo sites for our current EMERALDS research project.

The workflow is heavily inspired by Bert Radke‘s post “Loading the UK GTFS data feed” from 2021 and his import Cypher script which I used as a template, adjusted to the requirements of the Riga dataset, and updated to recent Neo4J changes.

Here we go.

Since a GTFS export is basically a ZIP archive full of CSVs, we will be making good use of Neo4Js CSV loading capabilities. The basic script for importing the stops file and creating point geometries from lat and lon values would be:

LOAD CSV with headers 
FROM "file:///stops.txt" 
AS row 
CREATE (:Stop {
   stop_id: row["stop_id"],
   name: row["stop_name"], 
   location: point({
    longitude: toFloat(row["stop_lon"]),
    latitude: toFloat(row["stop_lat"])

This requires that the stops.txt is located in the import directory of your Neo4J database. When we run the above script and the file is missing, Neo4J will tell us where it tried to look for it. In my case, the directory ended up being:


So, let’s put all GTFS CSVs into that directory and we should be good to go.

Let’s start with the agency file:

load csv with headers from
'file:///agency.txt' as row
create (a:Agency {
   id: row.agency_id, 
   name: row.agency_name, 
   url: row.agency_url, 
   timezone: row.agency_timezone, 
   lang: row.agency_lang

… Added 1 label, created 1 node, set 5 properties, completed after 31 ms.

The routes file does not include agency info but, luckily, there is only one agency, so we can hard-code it:

load csv with headers from
'file:///routes.txt' as row
match (a:Agency {id: "rigassatiksme"})
create (a)-[:OPERATES]->(r:Route {
   id: row.route_id, 
   shortName: row.route_short_name,
   longName: row.route_long_name, 
   type: toInteger(row.route_type)

… Added 81 labels, created 81 nodes, set 324 properties, created 81 relationships, completed after 28 ms.

From stops, I’m removing non-existent or empty columns:

load csv with headers from
'file:///stops.txt' as row
create (s:Stop {
   id: row.stop_id, 
   name: row.stop_name, 
   location: point({
      latitude: toFloat(row.stop_lat), 
      longitude: toFloat(row.stop_lon)
   code: row.stop_code

… Added 1671 labels, created 1671 nodes, set 5013 properties, completed after 71 ms.

From trips, I’m also removing non-existent or empty columns:

load csv with headers from
'file:///trips.txt' as row
match (r:Route {id: row.route_id})
create (r)<-[:USES]-(t:Trip {
   id: row.trip_id, 
   serviceId: row.service_id,
   headSign: row.trip_headsign, 
   direction_id: toInteger(row.direction_id),
   blockId: row.block_id,
   shapeId: row.shape_id

… Added 14427 labels, created 14427 nodes, set 86562 properties, created 14427 relationships, completed after 875 ms.

Slowly getting there. We now have around 16k nodes in our graph:

Finally, it’s stop times time. This is where the serious information is. This file is much larger than all previous ones with over 300k lines (i.e. times when an PT vehicle stops).

This requires another tweak to Bert’s script since using periodic commit is not supported anymore: The PERIODIC COMMIT query hint is no longer supported. Please use CALL { … } IN TRANSACTIONS instead. So I ended up using the following, based on

load csv with headers from
'file:///stop_times.txt' as row
CALL { with row
match (t:Trip {id: row.trip_id}), (s:Stop {id: row.stop_id})
create (t)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(st:StopTime {
   arrivalTime: row.arrival_time, 
   departureTime: row.departure_time,
   stopSequence: toInteger(row.stop_sequence)})-[:STOPS_AT]->(s)

… Added 351388 labels, created 351388 nodes, set 1054164 properties, created 702776 relationships, completed after 1364220 ms.

As you can see, this took a while. But now we have all nodes in place:

The final statement adds additional relationships between consecutive stop times:

call apoc.periodic.iterate('match (t:Trip) return t',
'match (t)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(st) with st order by st.stopSequence asc
with collect(st) as stops
unwind range(0, size(stops)-2) as i
with stops[i] as curr, stops[i+1] as next
merge (curr)-[:NEXT_STOP]->(next)', {batchmode: "BATCH", parallel:true, parallel:true, batchSize:1});

This fails with: There is no procedure with the name apoc.periodic.iterate registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.

So, let’s install APOC. That’s a plugin which we can install into our database from within Neo4J Desktop:

After restarting the db, we can run the query:

No errors. Sounds good.

Let’s have a look at what we ended up with. Here are 25 random Trips. I expanded one of them to show its associated StopTimes. We can see the relations between consecutive StopTimes and I’ve expanded the final five StopTimes to show their linked Stops:

I also wanted to visualize the stops on a map. And there used to be a neat app called Neomap which can be installed easily:

However, Neomap does not seem to be compatible with the latest Neo4J:

So this final step will have to wait for another time.

Did you know that MovingPandas also supports local image coordinates? Indeed, it does.

In today’s post, we will explore how we can use this feature to analyze bicycle tracks extracted from video footage published by Michael Szell @mszll:

The bicycle trajectory coordinates are stored in two separate lists: xs_640x360 and ys640x360:

This format is kind of similar to the Kaggle Taxi dataset, we worked with in the previous post. However, to use the solution we implemented there, we need to combine the x and y coordinates into nice (x,y) tuples:

df['coordinates'] = df.apply(
    lambda row: list(zip(row['xs_640x360'], row['ys_640x360'])), axis=1)
df.drop(columns=['xs_640x360', 'ys_640x360'], inplace=True)

Afterwards, we can create the points and compute the proper timestamps from the frame numbers:

def compute_datetime(row):
    # some educated guessing going on here: the paper states that the video covers 2021-06-09 07:00-08:00
    d = datetime(2021,6,9,7,0,0) + (row['frame_in'] + row['running_number']) * timedelta(seconds=2)
    return d
def create_point(xy):
        return Point(xy)
    except TypeError:  # when there are nan values in the input data
        return None
new_df = df.head().explode('coordinates')
new_df['geometry'] = new_df['coordinates'].apply(create_point)
new_df['running_number'] = new_df.groupby('id').cumcount()
new_df['datetime'] = new_df.apply(compute_datetime, axis=1)
new_df.drop(columns=['coordinates', 'frame_in', 'running_number'], inplace=True)

Once the points and timestamps are ready, we can create the MovingPandas TrajectoryCollection. Note how we explicitly state that there is no CRS for this dataset (crs=None):

trajs = mpd.TrajectoryCollection(
    traj_id_col='id',  t='datetime', crs=None)

Plotting trajectories with image coordinates

Similarly, to plot these trajectories, we should tell hvplot that it should not fetch any background map tiles (’tiles’:None) and that the coordinates are not geographic (‘geo’:False):

If you want to explore the full source code, you can find my Github fork with the Jupyter notebook at:

The repository also contains a camera image of the intersection, which we can use as a background for our trajectory plots:

bg_img = hv.RGB.load_image('img/intersection2.png', bounds=(0,0,640,360)) 

One important caveat is that speed will be calculated in pixels per second. So when we plot the bicycle speed, the segments closer to the camera will appear faster than the segments in the background:

To fix this issue, we would have to correct for the distortions of the camera lens and perspective. I’m sure that there is specialized software for this task but, for the purpose of this post, I’m going to grab the opportunity to finally test out the VectorBender plugin.

Georeferencing the trajectories using QGIS VectorBender plugin

Let’s load the five test trajectories and the camera image to QGIS. To make sure that they align properly, both are set to the same CRS and I’ve created the following basic world file for the camera image:


Then we can use the VectorBender tools to georeference the trajectories by linking locations from the camera image to locations on aerial images. You can see the whole process in action here:

After around 15 minutes linking control points, VectorBender comes up with the following georeferenced trajectory result:

Not bad for a quick-and-dirty hack. Some points on the borders of the image could not be georeferenced since I wasn’t always able to identify suitable control points at the camera image borders. So it won’t be perfect but should improve speed estimates.

This post is part of a series. Read more about movement data in GIS.

In the previous post, we — creatively ;-) — used MobilityDB to visualize stationary IOT sensor measurements.

This post covers the more obvious use case of visualizing trajectories. Thus bringing together the MobilityDB trajectories created in Detecting close encounters using MobilityDB 1.0 and visualization using Temporal Controller.

Like in the previous post, the valueAtTimestamp function does the heavy lifting. This time, we also apply it to the geometry time series column called trip:

SELECT mmsi,
    valueAtTimestamp(trip, '2017-05-07 08:55:40') geom,
    valueAtTimestamp(SOG, '2017-05-07 08:55:40') SOG
FROM "public"."ships"

Using this SQL query, we again set up a — not yet Temporal Controller-controlled — QueryLayer.

To configure Temporal Controller to update the timestamp in our SQL query, we again need to run the Python script from the previous post.

With this done, we are all set up to animate and explore the movement patterns in our dataset:

This post is part of a series. Read more about movement data in GIS.

Today’s post presents an experiment in modelling a common scenario in many IOT setups: time series of measurements at stationary sensors. The key idea I want to explore is to use MobilityDB’s temporal data types, in particular the tfloat_inst and tfloat_seq for instances and sequences of temporal float values, respectively.

For info on how to set up MobilityDB, please check my previous post.

Setting up our DB tables

As a toy example, let’s create two IOT devices (in table iot_devices) with three measurements each (in table iot_measurements) and join them to create the tfloat_seq (in table iot_joined):

CREATE TABLE iot_devices (
    id integer,
    geom geometry(Point, 4326)

INSERT INTO iot_devices (id, geom) VALUES
(1, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(1,1), 4326)),
(2, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(2,3), 4326));

CREATE TABLE iot_measurements (
    device_id integer,
    t timestamp,
    measurement float

INSERT INTO iot_measurements (device_id, t, measurement) VALUES
(1, '2022-10-01 12:00:00', 5.0),
(1, '2022-10-01 12:01:00', 6.0),
(1, '2022-10-01 12:02:00', 10.0),
(2, '2022-10-01 12:00:00', 9.0),
(2, '2022-10-01 12:01:00', 6.0),
(2, '2022-10-01 12:02:00', 1.5);

CREATE TABLE iot_joined AS
        tfloat_inst(m.measurement, m.t) ORDER BY t
    )) measurements
FROM iot_devices dev 
JOIN iot_measurements m
  ON = m.device_id
GROUP BY, dev.geom;

We can load the resulting layer in QGIS but QGIS won’t be happy about the measurements column because it does not recognize its data type:

Query layer with valueAtTimestamp

Instead, what we can do is create a query layer that fetches the measurement value at a specific timestamp:

SELECT id, geom, 
    valueAtTimestamp(measurements, '2022-10-01 12:02:00') 
FROM iot_joined

Which gives us a layer that QGIS is happy with:

Time for TemporalController

Now the tricky question is: how can we wire our query layer to the Temporal Controller so that we can control the timestamp and animate the layer?

I don’t have a GUI solution yet but here’s a way to do it with PyQGIS: whenever the Temporal Controller signal updateTemporalRange is emitted, our update_query_layer function gets the current time frame start time and replaces the datetime in the query layer’s data source with the current time:

l = iface.activeLayer()
tc = iface.mapCanvas().temporalController()

def update_query_layer():
    tct = tc.dateTimeRangeForFrameNumber(tc.currentFrameNumber()).begin().toPyDateTime()
    s = l.source()
    new = re.sub(r"(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})", str(tct), s)
    l.setDataSource(new, l.sourceName(), l.dataProvider().name())


Future experiments will have to show how this approach performs on lager datasets but it’s exciting to see how MobilityDB’s temporal types may be visualized in QGIS without having to create tables/views that join a geometry to each and every individual measurement.

Since last week’s post, I’ve learned that there is an official OGC Moving Features JSON Encodings repository with more recent sample datasets, including MovingPoint, MovingPolygon, and Trajectory JSON examples.

The MovingPoint example seems to describe a storm, including its path (temporalGeometry), pressure, wind strength, and class values (temporalProperties):

You can give the current implementation a spin using this MyBinder notebook

An exciting future step would be to experiment with extending MovingPandas to support the MovingPolygon MF-JSON examples. MovingPolygons can change their size and orientation as they move. I’m not yet sure, however, if the number of polygon nodes can change between time steps and how this would be reflected by the prism concept presented in the draft specification:

Image source:

MovingPandas 0.9rc3 has just been released, including important fixes for local coordinate support. Sports analytics is just one example of movement data analysis that uses local rather than geographic coordinates.

Many movement data sources – such as soccer players’ movements extracted from video footage – use local reference systems. This means that x and y represent positions within an arbitrary frame, such as a soccer field.

Since Geopandas and GeoViews support handling and plotting local coordinates just fine, there is nothing stopping us from applying all MovingPandas functionality to this data. For example, to visualize the movement speed of players:

Of course, we can also plot other trajectory attributes, such as the team affiliation.

But one particularly useful feature is the ability to use custom background images, for example, to show the soccer field layout:

To access the full example notebook, visit:

An update to the MovingPandas examples repository will follow shortly.

This post is part of a series. Read more about movement data in GIS.

The Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) is Austrian’s meteorological and geophysical service. And as such, they have a large database of historical weather data which they have now made publicly available, as announced on 28th Oct 2021:

The new ZAMG Data Hub provides weather and station data, mainly in NetCDF and CSV formats:

I decided to grab a NetCDF sample from their analysis and nowcasting system INCA. I went with all available parameters for a period of one day (the data has a temporal resolution of one hour) and a bounding box around Vienna:

The loading screen of QGIS 3.22 shows the different NetCDF layers:

After adding the incal-hourly layer to QGIS, the layer styling panel provides access to the different weather parameters. We can switch between these parameters by clicking the gradient icon next to the parameter names. Here you can see the air temperature:

And because the NetCDF layer is time-aware, we can also use the QGIS Temporal Controller to step through the hourly measurements / create an animation:

Make sure to grab the latest version of QGIS to get access to all the functionality shown here.

After writing “Towards a template for exploring movement data” last year, I spent a lot of time thinking about how to develop a solid approach for movement data exploration that would help analysts and scientists to better understand their datasets. Finally, my search led me to the excellent paper “A protocol for data exploration to avoid common statistical problems” by Zuur et al. (2010). What they had done for the analysis of common ecological datasets was very close to what I was trying to achieve for movement data. I followed Zuur et al.’s approach of a exploratory data analysis (EDA) protocol and combined it with a typology of movement data quality problems building on Andrienko et al. (2016). Finally, I brought it all together in a Jupyter notebook implementation which you can now find on Github.

There are two options for running the notebook:

  1. The repo contains a Dockerfile you can use to spin up a container including all necessary datasets and a fitting Python environment.
  2. Alternatively, you can download the datasets manually and set up the Python environment using the provided environment.yml file.

The dataset contains over 10 million location records. Most visualizations are based on Holoviz Datashader with a sprinkling of MovingPandas for visualizing individual trajectories.

Point density map of 10 million location records, visualized using Datashader

Line density map for detecting gaps in tracks, visualized using Datashader

Example trajectory with strong jitter, visualized using MovingPandas & GeoViews


I hope this reference implementation will provide a starting point for many others who are working with movement data and who want to structure their data exploration workflow.

If you want to dive deeper, here’s the paper:

[1] Graser, A. (2021). An exploratory data analysis protocol for identifying problems in continuous movement data. Journal of Location Based Services. doi:10.1080/17489725.2021.1900612.

(If you don’t have institutional access to the journal, the publisher provides 50 free copies using this link. Once those are used up, just leave a comment below and I can email you a copy.)


This post is part of a series. Read more about movement data in GIS.