Movement data in GIS #13: timestamp labels for trajectories

In Movement data in GIS #2: visualization I mentioned that it should be possible to label trajectory segments without having to break the original trajectory feature. While it’s not a straightforward process, it is indeed possible to create timestamp labels at desired intervals:

The main point here is that we cannot use regular labels because there would be only one label for the whole trajectory feature. Instead, we are using a marker line with a font marker:

By default, font markers only display one character from a given font but by using expressions we can make it display longer text, including datetime strings:

If you want to have a label at every node of the trajectory, the expression looks like this:

         segments_to_lines( $geometry ),
      ))||' seconds'

You probably remember those parts of the expression that extract the m value from previous posts. Note that – compared to 2016 – it is now necessary to add the segments_to_lines() function.

The m value (which stores time as seconds since Unix epoch) is then converted to datetime and finally formatted to only show time. Of course you can edit the datetime format string to also include the date.

If we only want a label every 30 seconds, we can add a case statement around that:

   segments_to_lines( $geometry ),
)) % 30 = 0
         segments_to_lines( $geometry ),
      ))||' seconds'

This works well if the trajectory sampling interval is fairly regular. This is not always the case and that means that the above case statement wouldn’t find many nodes with a timestamp that ends in :30 or :00. In such a case, we could resort to labeling nodes based on their order in the linestring:

 @geometry_part_num  % 30 = 0

Thanks a lot to @JuergenEFischer for providing a solution for converting seconds since Unix epoch to datetime without a custom function!

Note that expressions using @geometry_part_num currently suffer from the following issue: Combination of segments_to_lines($geometry) and @geometry_part_num gives wrong segment numbers

This post is part of a series. Read more about movement data in GIS.

  1. Christos Charmatzis said:

    Very nice job!!! Well done Anita!

  2. Esta muy interesante esto Anita felicidades!, ¿Sabes si hay algun video que explique el ejercicio? /// Is there a video where the exercise is done?

    • Thank you! There is no video of this so far.